May 2, 2010


It is hard to say when I began to love food. Family members still love to discuss my love for all things gourmet from an early age, and I have fond memories of helping my mom (a mouthwatering chef herself) in the kitchen from a time when I needed to stand on a tall chair to reach the counter. I love restaurants, cookbooks, cooking for others, and eating all around the world. I love sitting around the kitchen table with a great meal and conversation with the best of friends. Come September 2010, I will be embarking on a journey through culinary school. Knives will be bought and chef outfits hemmed to exact lengths (a strict rule) so I can learn exactly how to braise legumes and debone and cut various prime cuts of beef. Yes, you read correctly. One of my courses is called "Fundamentals of Butchery". You should know that I am a rather petit female barely making the 5 foot cut off....should be quite entertaining! Nevertheless, I am blogging my way through culinary school. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Well, as you can see, I didn't blog my way through culinary school. The program was very demanding and I didn't keep up with my blogging adventure. Nevertheless, I am now taking another crack at it - enjoy!

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